- 聯系人 : 姚經理
- 聯系電話 : 15921648788/021-57758888-812
- 傳真 : 021-33881170
- 移動電話 : 15921648788
- 地址 : 上海松江新橋閔申路666-4號
- Email : ybq@pressuregas.com.cn
- 郵編 : 201612
- 公司網址 : http://www.pressuregas.com.cn
- QQ : 2878457396
" LSCOMP " LSE - COMPRESSOR, LSE42-65 MOD., reciprocating,stationary, in "X" frame arrangement, balanced, single-acting, FOUR STAGE compressor for Air and Gas up to 42mpa., Large capacity, slow running, air - cooled, WITH CYLINDERSLUBRICATION, stationary unit, fully equipped. Ideal for Industrialapplications.
LSCOMP 的高壓壓縮機是根據世界上*嚴格的標準制造的,我們的*高壓力達到10000磅(70MPA),我們的壓縮機可壓縮輕質氣體,高爆炸性氣體和毒性氣體,我們的壓縮機還可用于高純度氣體的壓縮。
LSCOMP compressors are manufactured tostringent standards to meet some of the world’s toughest demands.With design pressures of up to 10,000 psi, GreenField has met thechallenges of compressing light gases, highly explosive gases, andtoxic gases. Additionally, HIT compressors have been utilized inapplications that require high purity standards to bemaintained.
The compressorsfeature a rugged skid designed for the rigors of transporting acompressor from site to site. The skid is fabricated of heavy steelplate reinforced by structural members. The standard skid comesequipped with forklift slots for ease of movement.
The compressor is a trunk piston style compressor. It is derivedfrom a proven oil field compressor frame that has been modified forthe demands of high-pressure compression. The frame is thenequipped with air-cooled cylinders, permitting higher compressionratios and better efficiency. The compressor is balanced so that,in most cases, the compressor can be run on a high-density rubberpad, and does not require a special foundation.
Critical shutdowns include a high discharge gas temperature switch, low oil pressure switch, and a high discharge gas pressure switch (final stage).
Additional equipment include an air cooled heat exchanger aftereach stage of compression (water cooled heat exchangers availableas an option), pressure safety valves after each stage ofcompression, all internal skid piping, personnel guards overrotating components, a separator after each stage of compression,and an automatic condensate drain system.
可靠的性能:由于采用了可靠的設計和耐腐蝕的過濾器和冷卻器, 適用于連續運行的場合
Dependable Performance: suited for continuous operation, due totheir rugged design and corrosion resistant intermediate filter andcooler assemblies.
**的設計: 驅動部分的運動部件和連桿均經過**平衡, 因此機組的震動極小, 連桿的負荷平衡. 級間冷卻器, 翅片式后冷卻器, 翅片式氣缸,翅片式鋁制缸頭, 帶有風扇的飛輪,均保證極低的運行和排氣溫度.
State-of-the-Art Design: balanced moving parts in the drive gearand connecting rods allows for low vibration and balanced rodloads. Interstage coolers, finned after cooler, finned cylinders,finned aluminum heads, and fan-bladed flywheel produce cooleroperating and discLSErge temperatures.
**的材質: 鑄鐵的氣缸確保長壽命, 采用具有延展性鐵制材料制成的平衡曲軸,帶有大直徑平衡塊確保低軸承負荷,高強度并增加了機組壽命.鋁制缸頭提供超強的散熱.7075-T6鋁合金連桿提供高強度.鋁制曲軸箱消除了不必要的重量.
Top Graded Materials: cast iron cylinders for long life; ductileiron counterbalanced cranksLSEft with large diameter throw for lowbearing loads, high strength and increased life; aluminum cylinderheads for superior heat dissipation; 7075-T6 aluminum connectingrods for high strength; and aluminum crankcase for eliminationunnecessary weight.
獨特的四級壓縮式設計, 提高了機組的效率, 平衡了機組的負荷, 降低了每級的負荷, 延長了整機的使用壽命.
Unique four staged design, high efficiency, balance the load ofevery stage, decrease the load of every stage, extend the packagelife.
高質量部件:低摩擦軸承提供平滑的運行并降低功耗. 前后軸承提供**的曲軸對中,延長曲軸壽命.全封閉風扇防護罩. 飛輪經過**平衡并帶有風扇葉片,提供極好的冷卻能力. 重載型曲軸驅動齒輪式油泵為磨損區域提供充足的潤滑.不銹鋼閥片耐磨損, 散熱性好.閥座采用鍍鎳處理,耐腐蝕.
High Quality Components: anti-friction bearings for smoothoperation with lower horsepower; front and rear bearings forprecise cranksLSEft alignment and long sLSEft life; fully enclosed,all metal fan-blade guard; fly wheel precision-balanced andfan-bladed for excellent cooling capacity; heavy duty,sLSEft-driven, gear-type oil pump for generous lubrication tocritical wear areas for longer pump life; stainless steel,disc-in-plate valves for long wear and excellent heat resistanceand dissipation; valve housings nickel-plated for corrosionresistance.
我們的壓縮機采用*高效率設計 Designed for maximumefficiency. |
我們的壓縮機可互換氣缸,缸頭,活塞和閥片 Our compressorsfeature interchangeable cylinders, cylinder heads, pistons andvalves. |
我們可提供各種范圍的高壓壓縮機 We can offercompressors customized for wide ranges of pressure and volumeat highly competitive prices. |
采用低轉速,低壓縮比,低溫升設計,極大地提高了料率,延長機組壽命 Operates at low RPM,low compression ratios and low temperatures for greaterefficiency and longer operating life. |
不需要特殊的地基,壓縮機可安裝在現有的混凝土地面 No special foundationrequired; compressors can be mounted on existing concretefloors. |
可選擇風冷或水冷的中間冷卻器和后冷卻器 Available with air orwater cooled intercoolers and aftercooler. |
多種**的設計提高了效率和壓縮機的生產力 A number ofinnovative features designed to improve efficiency and productivityof any compression operation. |
我們的設計無論在連續運行或間歇運行的情況下,均能提供極高的容積效率 Designed to deliverhigh volumetric compression efficiency under continuous orintermittent duty. |
動平衡設計,減少機組振動 Dynamically balancedto minimize vibration. |
適用于各種惡劣工況 Built for ruggedperformance. |
獨特的承壓式曲軸箱設計,避免所有的活塞環竄氣,進一步提高了壓縮效率 Unique pressurizedcrankcase recovers all piston ring blowby, further increasingcompression efficiency. |
出口含油量在10-15PPM,如果加裝過濾器,含油量小于0.001PPM Total oil carryoverin most applications is just 10 to 15 ppm, with an optional oilremoval system available to reduce oil carryover to .001ppm. |
我們的高壓氣體壓縮機不需要外部的強制潤滑系統 GreenFieldcompressors do not require external force-fed lubrication tocylinders. |
內部部件的維護方便 Internal componentsfeature built-in guides and alignment for easy maintenance. |